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Learning Math/CS/Engineering Design with Robotics
Grid Size: S M L Simple View: MinView:
Background Image
Coord: x-axis y-axis Grid Lines: x-axis y-axis
Grid: 12x12 inches 24x24 inches 36x36 inches
72x72 inches 96x96 inches 192x192 inches
1x1 inches 2x2 inches Fraction:
Quad: 1 Quadrant 4 Quadrants 1&4 Quadrants
Units: US Customary Metric Ruler:
Font px
Tics Lines:
Width px
Hash Lines:
Width px
Draw Static Colorful Twinkle Stars
The pre-placed block will draw one star of any random color and length 2.5 in given x- and y-coordinate. Use set variable and random integer blocks to plot 50 stars at random x- and y-coordinates between 1 and 35. Also, change the length of the star block in order to draw the stars of different lengths.
Workspace Load Save C Prompt C Launch Console
50random color18202.50star xylengthanglefillColorcolorno stroke colorrepeattimesdobackground imagestars.png   color sequencereset color sequencerandom color   background colorbackground image2015RoboPlay.pngclear grid   stroke color2stroke widthno stroke color   fillColorcolor0.7fill opacityno fill colorline style──0.03delaysecondsgridbacktext450textcenterxyangle44pointxy0049linex1y1x2y20068arrowx1y1x2y2443circle xyradius44circleOpenxy0089rectangle xywidthheightround radius008044triangle x1y1x2y2x3y34530875triangleSSSxyalphas1s2s38910star xylengthangle00286880quad x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y41212680regular xynlengthangle00545270arcxyradiusstart angleend angle0020120ellipsexywidthheightangle-60-262660bezier x1y1cx1cy1cx2cy2x2y2legendlegend010202*x+1exprx0xfnexprscatterarray xvararray yvarpolygon array xvararray yvar-232-4perpendicularLinesix1y1x2y2118623table xywidthheightrowcolumn11tableArray xyarray rowvararray columnvar0XFF0XFF0X00color withredgreenbluecoordinatex-axiscoordinate labelx-axisONgrid linex-axisONtime (s)labelx axistext-1010axisRange(x,,)5hashRange(x,)1ticsRange(x,)

Linkbot Labs

Firmware Update Needed

Arduino Update Needed

    Linkbot Hub Manager

      Linkbot Firmware Updater

      Firmware Version 5.0.0

      Steps to Update a Linkbot:
      • Plug in a Linkbot to the computer with the micro USB cable (Make sure no other Linkbot or Dongle is connected)
      • Turn off the Linkbot if it is on.
      • Then turn on the Linkbot. The update will begin automatically.
      • When the progress bar reaches 100%, the update is complete and the Linkbot can be used.
      Steps to Update a Dongle:
      • Unplug all Linkbots and Dongles connected to the computer.
      • Plug the Dongle to the computer with the micro USB cable.
      • The update will begin automatically.
      • When the progress bar reaches 100%, the update is complete and the Dongle can be used.
      Progress: 0%

      Linkbot Arduino Updater

      Firmware Version 1.0.2

      Instructions for Updating Linkbot Arduino:
      • Plug an Arduino board to your computer.
      • Click "Start" button. Then wait the firmware is updated with 100% on the progress bar. To flash another Arduino, return to step 1.
      Progress: 0%